Who We Are

GABINET ASSESSOR EMPRESARIAL, S.L. started its activity in the field of multidisciplinary professional business advice and consultancy services in Barcelona in 1971.

From the beginning, our aim has always been to offer companies services that cover their all-round needs for consultants, advice, and business management, in a coordinated manner.

In today’s dynamic, changing climate, with increasing pressure and complex legal regulations, and with more and more competition, businesses need a different style of advice.

It’s not enough to offer solutions that temporarily solve needs, it’s also necessary to foresee what is to come. This is something that can only be done from the perspective offered by experience.

  • QUALITY Our policy regarding quality is aimed at satisfying our clients’ needs and improving constantly, always seeking the creation of added value for your company.

Since 2002, we have had ISO 9001 certification from APPLUS.

  • TRAINING We seek excellence in performing our work, investing in our development through continuing training and fomenting specialisation amongst our professionals.
  • FORESIGHT An advisor’s work is an “active” function. Through constant contact with our clients, we detect and foresee their needs in order to find and implement the most suitable solutions.
  • TEAM WORK An ability to offer all-round solutions for each company’s advice and management needs. There is also personalised attention, and our clients’ cases are studied in “working groups” in order to have a wider, joint view of the subject to be dealt with.
  • INNOVATION We have placed our bets on technological innovations as efficient and effective working tools. The use of new technologies allows us to optimize our services to the utmost and to be up-to-date all the time to provide our clients with solutions that make a difference.